Brand Events

Brand Events Planning

The look and feel of events changed exponentially after March 2020 as companies moved live events to virtual spaces. But whether your event is online or in-person over the year ahead, event branding is essential to create a memorable experience for attendees.

What is event branding?

Like a company brand, event branding is made up of many elements including a logo, website, app, marketing materials, stage design, speakers, sponsors, and event swag.

Think of the best event you've attended. You can likely picture the people you met, the food, the speakers, and even the after-parties. Branding an event shapes how everyone involved—speakers, attendees, employees, and sponsors—remembers the experience.


For example, one session in the Adobe MAX event showed me how to use new features in my Lightroom mobile app. I only learned that skill because Adobe selected speakers who provided value for the audience. They also had a moderator who shared immediate takeaways. And they sent me a follow-up email with the recorded session in case I needed to refresh my memory afterward.